Billede af bogens forside - In the Hide

In the Hide

af Gordon Buchanan

Bog, Hardback, Engelsk, 2025

Our estate, Bellsmyre, was built on land claimed from fields - we were at the foot of those rolling Kilpatrick hills, but over the roof of the school you could see more green fields and woods. There was a physical barrier formed by the rest of the estate and the school, but I felt grateful to be on the edge of all that countryside. Even at a very young age, there was a magnetic pull towards what I thought that wild was, or could be. 'One day, I'm going to walk to those hills and woods,' I'd thin... (Læs mere)

Priser fra 3 boghandlere


  • SprogEngelsk
  • IndbindingHardback
  • ISBN9781529144260
  • Udgivet6/02/2025
  • Udgivet afEbury Publishing
  • Længde320 sider
  • ForfatterGordon Buchanan
  • GenreBiografier, Selvbiografier