Billede af bogens forside - Introduction To Classical Mechanics: Solutions To Problems

Introduction To Classical Mechanics: Solutions To Problems

af John Dirk (College Of William, m.fl.

Bog, Paperback, Engelsk, 2020

"The textbook Introduction to Classical Mechanics aims to provide a clear and concise set of lectures that take one from the introduction and application of Newton's laws up to Hamilton's principle of stationary action and the lagrangian mechanics of continuous systems. An extensive set of accessible problems enhances and extends the coverage. It serves as a prequel to the author's recently published book entitled Introduction to Electricity and Magnetism based on an introductory course taught s... (Læs mere)

Priser fra 4 boghandlere


  • SprogEngelsk
  • IndbindingPaperback
  • ISBN9789811227622
  • Udgivet19/10/2020
  • Udgivet afWorld Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd
  • Længde152 sider
  • ForfattereJohn Dirk (College Of William, Mary Walecka
  • GenreBusiness og læring, Videnskab