Billede af bogens forside - Krämer's EU Environmental Law

Krämer's EU Environmental Law

af Ludwig Kramer

Bog, Hardback, Engelsk, 2024

The new edition of this essential book details the present state of EU environmental law as it has developed over the last 50 years. The author was personally involved in its making and enforcement, having worked for more than 30 years in the environmental department of the European Commission. The book therefore provides unique insights into this complex field. The book discusses in detail governance and other horizontal issues, such as competence questions, the division of power between the E... (Læs mere)

Priser fra 4 boghandlere


  • SprogEngelsk
  • IndbindingHardback
  • ISBN9781509974443
  • Udgivet13/06/2024
  • Udgivet afBloomsbury Academic
  • Længde640 sider
  • ForfatterLudwig Kramer
  • GenreBusiness og læring, Jura