Billede af bogens forside - No Todos Los Monologos Son Locos

No Todos Los Monologos Son Locos

Poesia Monovocalica, Cuentos y Otras Cosas

af Ramon Rionda

Bog, Paperback, Spansk, 2010

"This is a singular work that is difficult to classify. The first part contains monovocalic poems and the second part, with the same poems, verse by verse, builds up a short story, giving both the definition of the words that are not in common use and one that another in common use I would say that the end result is a novel literary genre. Monovocalic poems are those in which all the words used have the same vowel with the peculiarity in this case that all the words used exist in at least one co... (Læs mere)

Priser fra 4 boghandlere


  • SprogSpansk
  • IndbindingPaperback
  • ISBN9781617640643
  • Udgivet24/09/2010
  • Udgivet afPalibrio
  • Længde198 sider
  • ForfatterRamon Rionda
  • GenreSkønlitteratur, Digte