Billede af bogens forside - Parktails


af Douglas G Campbell

Bog, Hardback, Engelsk, 2012

Parktails is an adventure that takes place in the aftermath of a great forest fire. Once the fire is extinguished, the animals of Geyser District, led by Zornova and Gondzor, are forced to confront numerous difficulties. Many of these displaced animals become despondent as a result of the loss of homes, relatives, and friends. As part of their attempts to find answers, they send parties of their representatives to oracles in search of answers and wisdom. While searching they confront a variety o... (Læs mere)

Priser fra 4 boghandlere


  • SprogEngelsk
  • IndbindingHardback
  • ISBN9781498262330
  • Udgivet22/02/2012
  • Udgivet afResource Publications (CA)
  • Længde156 sider
  • ForfatterDouglas G Campbell
  • GenreSkønlitteratur