Billede af bogens forside - Progress not Perfection

Progress not Perfection

Building a Powerful Marriage While Raising Challenging Children

af Roy Thompson, m.fl.

Bog, Paperback, Engelsk, 2020

Married for forty-one years, the Thompsons reflect over their child rearing and marriage experiences and have completed what their children's psychiatrists long recommended. They've put into writing their story of faithfulness to each other, to their children and to God. Having adopted three apparently normal children, they discovered quickly the emotional, behavioral and educational challenges that faced Heather, Dylan and Molly. The Thompsons delineate the choices they made to solidify their m... (Læs mere)

Priser fra 4 boghandlere


  • SprogEngelsk
  • IndbindingPaperback
  • ISBN9781948181990
  • Udgivet7/05/2020
  • Udgivet afHybrid Global Publishing
  • Længde258 sider
  • ForfattereRoy Thompson, Margrey Thompson
  • GenreBusiness og læring