Billede af bogens forside - Research-based teaching

Research-based teaching

af Nina Bonderup Dohn, m.fl.

E-bog, PDF, Engelsk, 2015

University Teaching and Learning is based on the notion that good teaching is focused on student learning. Therefore, the central topic of this book is learning activities, both in and between teaching sessions. The book includes experience- and research-based suggestions for how to plan, conduct, evaluate and develop teaching within the framework provided by the university and research, whether this be traditional lectures and supervision tasks; case- and project work, or e-learning. The book f... (Læs mere)

Priser fra 4 boghandlere


  • SprogEngelsk
  • FormatPDF
  • ISBN9788759322888
  • Udgivet15/01/2015
  • Udgivet afSamfundslitteratur
  • Længde46 sider
  • Størrelse9 mb
  • ForfattereNina Bonderup Dohn, Jens Dolin