Billede af bogens forside - Three Little Women: A Story for Girls

Three Little Women: A Story for Girls

af Gabrielle E. Jackson

Bog, Paperback, Engelsk, 2023

" The afternoon was a wild one. All day driving sheets of rain had swept along the streets of Riveredge, hurled against windowpanes by fierce gusts of wind, or dashed in miniature rivers across piazzas. At noon it seemed as though the wind meant to change to the westward and the clouds break, but the promise of better weather had failed, and although the rain now fell only fitfully in drenching showers, and one could ¿run between the drops¿ the wind still blustered and fumed, tossing the wayfare... (Læs mere)

Priser fra 4 boghandlere


  • SprogEngelsk
  • IndbindingPaperback
  • ISBN9791041953332
  • Udgivet27/09/2023
  • Udgivet afCulturea
  • Længde158 sider
  • ForfatterGabrielle E. Jackson
  • GenreHistorie og samfund, Politik