Billede af bogens forside - Thrive


af Lisa M. Lawson

Bog, Hardback, Engelsk, 2025

From the noted business and foundation leader, a bold new argument for harnessing brain science to make sure all children thrive At nine, a boy named Sixto Cancel was adopted by a woman who kept a lock on her refrigerator and was verbally abusive. Meanwhile, extended and loving family members lived just an hour away--and would have taken him in if a public system had made an effort to find them. Sixto moved in and out of broken households for years, one of the hundreds of thousands of young Amer... (Læs mere)

Priser fra 3 boghandlere


  • SprogEngelsk
  • IndbindingHardback
  • ISBN9781620979693
  • Udgivet6/11/2025
  • Udgivet afThe New Press
  • Længde240 sider
  • ForfatterLisa M. Lawson
  • GenreHistorie og samfund