Billede af bogens forside - Transformation of the Fiscal and Taxation Systems

Transformation of the Fiscal and Taxation Systems

af Liu Wei, m.fl.

Bog, Paperback, Engelsk, 2023

This book elucidates the murky realities of China's taxation system today, and advocates bold plans for change. Theorizing finance and taxation in relation to a national political system, the authors explain the current tangled-up realities of China's creaky, inherited and uneven tax system- and put forward a plan for radical change. This book will be of interest to finance professionals, economists, and scholars of the Chinese economy. The focus is to properly handle the three basic economic an... (Læs mere)

Priser fra 4 boghandlere


  • SprogEngelsk
  • IndbindingPaperback
  • ISBN9789811625923
  • Udgivet26/02/2023
  • Udgivet afSpringer Nature Singapore
  • Længde404 sider
  • ForfattereLiu Wei, Kang Jia
  • GenreBusiness og læring, Økonomi og finans