Billede af bogens forside - Visible and Invisible in Greek Philosophy

Visible and Invisible in Greek Philosophy

af Hideya Yamakawa

Bog, Paperback, Engelsk, 2008

In Visible and Invisible in Greek Philosophy, Professor Yamakawa has collected a number of groundbreaking essays covering the entire history of Greek philosophy from the Presocratics to the Postaristotelians. He explores in a systematic and methodical manner 'the dynamic correlation between the visible and the invisible aspects of Greek philosophers' particularly thoughts.'-Christos Evangeliou, Honorary President, The International Association for Greek Philosophy, Professor of Philosophy, Towso... (Læs mere)

Priser fra 4 boghandlere


  • SprogEngelsk
  • IndbindingPaperback
  • ISBN9780761839538
  • Udgivet8/02/2008
  • Udgivet afUniversity Press of America
  • Længde378 sider
  • ForfatterHideya Yamakawa
  • GenreBusiness og læring, Videnskab